Friday, July 01, 2011

Kiwi Fruit Juice

Kiwis are outstanding for vitamin C; one fruit is the equivalent of 10 lemons. They also provide dietary fiber and vitamins A and D.

Research in China showed that the juice of kiwi fruit prevents heart disease and premature death in senior citizen.

It was found out that kiwi juice fruit relieved symptoms such as weakness, dizziness and shortness of brain patients sufferings from high blood pressure.

Kiwi are high in vitamin C, and contain copper, potassium and dietary fiber.

By drinking kiwi fruit juice it can remove excess sodium form the body. The fiber also helps cleanse the body more effectively.

Kiwi fruit juice can be strong laxative and are often used to maintain regularity in bowel movement, especially for older or sedentary people.

In cooking, kiwi juice is quite effective for tenderizing meat so that it cooks more quickly. It because kiwi juice contains a an enzyme that can breakdowns protein.
Kiwi Fruit Juice

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