Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Seville Orange juice

The juice is much used in Iranian cookery and some recipes call for the intensity of Seville orange paste, made from juice.

Sour orange also known as bitter or Seville orange, differs from the regular sweet orange that is most commonly consumed. Seville orange grown for orange liquor and marmalades.

The juice affords a grateful beverage in inflammatory and febrile complaints and is a very useful remedy in scorbutus.

The juice also allaying heat, quenching thirst, promoting various excretions, and diminishing the action of the vascular sanguineous system, proves extremely useful in both ardent and putrid fevers.

In cookery Seville juice and paste impart a fine, astringent taste to many fish dishes. The very tart juice is prized in some Latin cocktails and cuisines, especially in Cuba. Seville
Orange juice

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