Neera is the sweet honey colored, unfermented sap tapped from the immature inflorescence of coconut. It is oyster white, and translucent. It is obtained by slicing the spathes of the palmyra, coconut and sago palms, and scraping the tender most part, just below the crown.
Jaggery is the main product of neera. Jaggery is a traditional sugar brown in color made by open evaporation without centrifugation of neera.
Neera jaggery is solid or semi-solid crystalline mass obtained by boiling and evaporating Neera in small batches with final product having pH in the range of 6.5-7.0.
The production requires minimal heat treatment without the aid of any additives or enzymes. Caramelization turns the heated Neera from milky white to transparent brown.
Neera jaggery is widely use as sweetening agent in food products.
Neera jaggery
The liquid naturally present in the tissues of fruits is known as fruit juice. To obtain fruit juice, mechanical techniques like squeezing or macerating fresh fruits are employed, excluding the use of heat or solvents. Individuals commonly drink fruit juices due to their perceived health benefits.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
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