Saturday, July 06, 2013

Blueberry juice

Blueberry juice is popular due to its phytochemical properties. Blueberry juice is both delicious and healthful.

Blueberry juice is reputed to be useful in combating urinary tract infections as it keeps bacteria form adhering to the bladder wall.

Blueberry juice can be made from both fresh and frozen berries. Blueberry juice preparation can be more difficult than other berry juices due to their high level of mucilaginous material.

Packed with antioxidants, blueberry juiced is also said to dramatically improve night vision and to protect against cataracts and glaucoma.

Blueberry juice is generally marketed as a blend with other juices. Single strength blubbery juice is about 8-12° Brix. are made by concentrating single-strength blueberry juice and freezing to less than -18° C.
Blueberry juice

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