Sunday, July 12, 2020

Passion fruit juice: Production and Nutrition

Passion fruit is widely consumed due to its pleasant flavor and aroma acidity, and it is considered very important a source of minerals and vitamins. Passion fruit was often processed into fruit juice, fruit wine, jam, fruit vinegar and so on, because it has a unique aroma. The processing of Passion fruit juice beverage was mainly based on passion fruit pulp, so only the nutrients of the pulp was added to the beverage.

The bigger fruits (more than 30g) are more suitable for processing as they have more juice and less rind. There are two important commercial varieties, purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis), and yellow passion fruit, (Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa), the latter has larger fruits, a more acidic juice, and a less preferred flavour.

During the production of passion fruit juice, the pulp is subjected to pasteurization, thermal treatment, to ensure stability during storage, and thus it is relevant to evaluate possible modification of its effect since passion fruit is extremely sensitive to heat treatment.

Juice extracted from these fruits is of high nutritional value and of great importance to human health. The juice has a pH 2.6-3.0 and an unusually high starch content. This fruit has been widely consumed because of its high aroma and acidity, especially as juice, and has also been used in a wide variety of products such as ice-creams, mousses, alcoholic beverages and others.

Demands for passion fruit juice are increasing not only because of the organoleptic properties but also due to its essential nutrients content. Passion fruit is a very good source of fiber, minerals especially potassium and it is low in sodium, yields zero cholesterol and possessed good amount of phenolic and ascorbic acid content. The organic acid composition of fruits is also of interest because of its important influence on the sensory properties of fruit juices and considered very vital for food and beverage technology for quality evaluation.
Passion fruit juice: Production and Nutrition

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