Friday, November 04, 2011

The good of guava juice

Guava juice squeezed fresh from the ripened fruit and poured over crushed ice makes a delicious and healthy natural flavored drink.

Guava juice is an excellent beverage. Guava are notable for their high content of vitamin C which, in many varieties is 4 to 10 times greater than in citrus fruits.

A study with Taiwan guava showed that guava juice can reduce the blood sugar level by up to 20%, taking 1 g of juice per kg body weight.

Guava is known as an excellent cleanser of body, removes, constipation, regulates movement of bowels. It is carminative, digestive, and aphrodisiac of high value.

The guava fruit and leaves have anti-tumor properties and are particularly useful for breast cancer.

Guava juice are commonly used as appetizer and tasty drink especially in summer.
The good of guava juice

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