Raisins have a rich natural color. The juice is often added to frozen dairy desserts and baked goods as a color-enhancer or food coloring.
Raisin juice and raisin paste are used in a variety of sauces such as pasta, barbecue, and steak sauces to boost their flavor.
The phytonutrient content and health benefits of raisin are believed to be similar to grapes. Raisin juice is a rapid revitalizer and well recognized as a beneficial restorative in cases of anemia and low vitality.
Raisin juice is also recommended for the relief of sore throat, catarrh and asthma. It is good for the complexion and excellent in cases of diarrhea and feverishness.
Raisin juice is a natural sweetener that contains no preservatives, has a lower caloric content than sucrose, and includes a number of important vitamins and minerals that are very important for people with celiac disease.
Health benefits of drinking raisin juice