Sunday, November 09, 2008

Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit Juice
Although very nutritious and high in vitamin C, grapefruit juice is high in acid. It is best to drink small amounts or to dilute grapefruit with water or other juice. The younger and more active the person are the higher metabolism and body’s ability to breakdown acid. For older, less active people grapefruit juice should be drunk in moderation.

The grape fruit and its juice can aid in weight reduction, the lowering of blood pressure, improving a sluggish liver, rapid healing of bruises, skin cleansing and the easing of arthritis. It can also help battle coughs, break up mucus and eliminate catarrh, and fight colds, fever, and sore throats. Taken first thing in the morning grapefruit juice helps to promote easy bowel movement and prevents constipation. Taken last thing at night it helps to induce sleep.

Grapefruit should be juiced by hand, rather than using an electric juicer, to prevent any of the white pitch or the peel from being squeezed along with the juice. The pitch and peel can give the juice an unpleasant, bitter flavor. While white grapefruit usually make the best flavored juice, pink or red grapefruit may also be used.
Grapefruit Juice

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