Thursday, November 06, 2008

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is perhaps the most valuable and versatile fruit juice. However, since its high citric acid and vitamin C content makes it such a strong cleanser, it is best to mix lemon juice with water and drink it in moderation. The juice of half a lemon combined with eight ounces of water is a good ratio. Add one-half teaspoon of raw honey, to lightly sweeten the drink. Lemon juice used every two or three days in this way is a great balancer. Try it before breakfast. It will act as a mild and completely safe cleanser of the small intestine and stomach when drunk before food is eaten.

Lemon juice has many other practical uses, as well. To relieve a sore throat, for example, squeeze or spray undiluted lemon juice directly into the throat every two hours. Its anti bacterial action will soothe the throat in a few hours. Before feel a cold coming on, drink several glasses of lemon water throughout the day. To use as a skin astringent, add lemon juice to water and apply after washing the skin with a mild soap. Lemon juice can also be used effectively as an antioxidant. Mixed with other juice, or in fruit salads, it not only prevents discoloration, but acts as a preservative, as well.
Lemon Juice

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