Monday, October 28, 2013

Carambola juice

Carambola or starfruit so called because of the 5 point star shape cross section of the fruit. It is a popular tropical fruit available throughout the world as a fresh fruit, gourmet jam, salad and fruit juice.

The fruit is rich in juice to the extent that one can make wine out of them. Single strength juice is weak, acidic and not very flavorful.

The fruit easily pureed to produce a thin yellow juice of -6°Brix and moderate acidity consisting primarily of oxalic acid.

The carambola juice contains about 10% of sugar. In comparison with other fruit it has very small percentage of calcium and iron but contains about the same amount of phosphorus.

It is a good source of vitamin C and contains some B vitamins and vitamin A.

Fermented carambola juice is a traditional Chinese health drink. It is believed that carambola juice for soothing a sore throat or drinking in hot, dry weather.

Carambola juice can be used alone or blended with other fruit juices to make excellent drinks. Carambola juice or puree can be incorporated into sherbets or ice cream.
Carambola juice

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